- R v W[2021] – Allegation of sexual assault against company director. Ongoing.
- R v H[2020] – Allegation of group kidnapping and torture.
- R v H[2019] – GBH and prison riot alleged against inmate previously convicted of airline bomb plot. Acquitted.
- R v KP[2018] – Historic sexual abuse against a 5-year-old. Acquitted.
- R v BP [2018] – GBH. Widely publicised attack on refugee in Croydon. Read more
- R v G[2018] – Conspiracy to control prostitution. Leading junior. 3-month trial involving thousands of pages of material and hundreds of hours of undercover police footage.
- R v HK[2017] – Conspiracy to import firearms. HK was charged first on an 8 handed indictment with importing firearms, including fully automatic machine guns. The case involved surveillance by foreign intelligence officer, which led to complex arguments concerning admissibility. Leading junior.
- HSE v NS[2016] – Prosecution of a film production company by the Health and Safety Executive following an accident to a ‘rigger’ on the set of a multimillion pound high profile film production. Liam was instructed alone. Despite being unable to call any evidence and without a client in attendance Liam’s clients, a production company, was acquitted unanimously following trial.
- R v AC[2016] – Teacher accused of sexually assaulting three pupils. Leading junior. Acquitted.
- R v SM[2016] – Rape. Instructed alone. Acquitted.
- R v H & W[2016] – Historical allegations of sexual assault and rape against high profile musicians. Liam was instructed prior to charge. Following legal submissions both defendants were acquitted by judicial direction. Press coverage: The BBC, The Telegraph.
- R v T[2016] – Multi handed allegations of rape and sexual assault against children. Press coverage: The Evening Standard.
- R v P[2015] – Leading junior in allegation of conspiracy to supply drugs. The case was the largest ever prosecuted in Exeter CC. Papers exceeded 100,000 pages. Successful legal arguments resulted in the jury returning verdicts of not guilty, despite the defendant having been found with a ‘drug phone’ upon arrest, having drugs on him and being captured on CCTV in Exeter allegedly dealing drugs. Other defendants pleaded guilty at the outset.
- R v TB[2015] Rape. Stranger rape.
- R v C[2015] Indecent assault. Allegations made by student against teacher.
- R v Gilleney[2014] Rape and gross indecency with children. Historic allegations.
- R v Alale[2012] Rape and kidnap. A complex sex case that involved arguments over the admissibility of the complainant’s Twitter feed and Facebook posts.
- R v Aborlarinwa[2011] Sexual assault and attempted kidnap. Multiple counts of attempted kidnap and sexual assault against women in the South East by a defendant with psychiatric issues so severe he was deemed unfit to enter pleas.
- R v Lee[2011] Indecent assault and possession of child pornography. Multiple historic counts of indecent assault against two children.
- R v Faisal Rawat[2011] Kidnapping and inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent. Acid attack by defendant with mental health issues on his family.
- R v Slinger[2010] Multiple rape and sexual touching. 37 Counts of sexual offences including rape and sexual assault of children. The case was particularly complex as one of the complainants had committed suicide, which raised issues concerning the admissibility of hearsay evidence and the cross admissibility of the counts that evidence was called in support of.
- R v SM[2010] Rape and sexual assault against a child under the age of 16. Historic allegations of sexual abuse against a family member including the admission of evidence of previous similar convictions.
- R v Kelly[2010] Death by careless driving. Causing the death of a cyclist by careless driving. Widespread media coverage of tragic death of father of three children. Read more.
- R v Alderton[2010] Rape and possession of indecent images. Allegations of rape by a defendant with personality disorder.
- R v Hagland[2010] Rape. Allegations of sexual grooming and rape of a 14 year old girl.
- R v Passenger[2010] Conspiracy to cultivate cannabis. Largest ever cannabis cultivation ring uncovered in South Wales.
- R v Bass[2009] Rape and sexual assault. Rape and multiple counts of sexual assault of three separate complainants.
- R v Cutino[2008] Rape. Rape of mentally impaired complainant by defendant with severe learning disabilities. A test case, the matter was the first prosecution of “sexual touching of a person who was unable to refuse because of a reason relating to a mental disorder” contrary to section 30(1) of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.